Healthy Jeju seahorses bred in Clean Jeju using lava seawater are dried and developed into products for use as gifts and food etc. They are also processed into fine powder for various uses as food and medicinal ingredient etc.
Health Functional Supplement & Tonic Wine
Seahorses are made into various product forms such as pills, powder and wine etc. to facilitate seahorse consumption and to create new food markets for the health and beauty of mankind.
Beauty Products
In order to improve and sustain the beauty of mankind, seahorses are made into beauty products like creams and masks etc. to extend the benefits of premium seahorse to the skin.
Convenient accessories to highlight the elegance of the mysterious seahorse.
Product Raw Material Development & Supply
In order to further promote the excellent functions of the seahorse and expand its applications, the seahorse has been developed and supplied as raw material for use in food and cosmetics.
Other Products
Future product development plans include seahorse chocolate, seahorse bread and seahorse vinegar etc.
Related institutes such as professional fisheries manpower development
related colleges, high schools, related research institutes, fisheries science museums, zoos etc., and institutes with signed agreements and collaborative research for future generation training and information exchange such as
Jeju National University, Pukyong National University, Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Seonam University-affiliated Basic Science Research Institute, Jeollabuk-do Herb Industry-Academia Collaboration Foundation, Jeju Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Marine Fish Resource Bank of Korea, Wando Fisheries High School, Shinan Marine Science High School, Fisheries Science Museum, Hanhwa Aqua Planet, Korean Association of Zoos and Aquariums, etc.